Thursday 9 February 2017

LP2 - Introduction

We have recently started out new module, Live Project 2, where we deliver films made to specific film festivals (check out my pitch for more information on this!) I am Producer on Tag and Camera on Cirque Du Creep. I am very happy with my roles as these were the two projects I liked the best. 

Me and the director had a good few hours in production design today to plan out each shot, where the camera will be, the movement, and logistics of each shot. We have a brief shot list which the director is turning into a storyboard as we speak. 

I had a look at Tag's script, which has very ambitious locations and stunts, such as a police station, lots of severed heads and fake blood, a contortionist, talking dead bodies, and a cast of many different ages. I definitely have my work cut out this module. I am working on a casting call and booking out the studio for auditions at this moment in time. I am also going to call a production meeting on Friday to discuss shortening the script and making it more doable.

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