Monday 20 February 2017

Useful Secondary Sources

This blog post is a collection of secondary sources (websites and books) for my report, which I will update when I find them. I wasn't very successful on the book or journal front, but hopefully the newspaper articles will make up for it.

12 Essential Women Cinematographers from Fandor on Vimeo.

LINCOLN, K. 'The Female Cinematographers of Neon Demon, Creed, and Dope Discuss Their Experiences in a Male-Dominated Field', Vulture, 27 June 2016, p10 - they talk about raising a family??? Whyyyy?

SILVERSTEIN, M. 'Statistics on the State of Women and Hollywood (02.03.2017) - Backup source for facts and figures (probably won't use it if the internet sources is still 10%, I will have to ask) (02.03.2017) - Great stats, definitely use! [As of 2014, 14 of 374 members of the ASC are women, just 3.7%. The first studio film with a female director of photography was FATSO (1980).]

COCHRANE, K. 'Why are there so few female filmmakers?', The Guardian, 31 January 2010, p52 - Pretty scary experiences of sexism and felony. They still talk about motherhood and raising a family!

LEVITIN, J. (2012) Women Filmmakers: Refocusing Routledge. New York and London - p436 is useful

ROBSON, C. (2016) Silent Women: Pioneers of Cinema Supernova Books. Twickenham. - interesting info on the first female cinematographer

GOLDSCHMIDT, C. 'Women Working Behind the Camera: Our Story En Masse (02.03.2017) - very long article which I have partially read through and picked out some interesting info

LANG, B. 'Women compromise 7% of Directors on Top 250 Films (Study)' (05.03.2017) - [Evidence suggests that women in positions of power are more likely to employ other women. On films with female directors, women comprised 52% of writers, 35% of editors and 26% of cinematographers. When men directed, the number of female writers shrank to 8%, editors fell to 15% and cinematographers dropped to 5%.]

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