Tuesday 21 February 2017

Trombone and Car #2 Test Shoot

Today we took out the tracking dolly and P2 camera to try out a trombone shot, with a mannequin dressed as a clown. It was very difficult to get the speed of the dolly and the zoom the same, so we set up and pulled our hair out on the morning, had a quick meeting, and went back to it on the afternoon. 


We managed to get our hands on a Blackmagic to try and use something that would help (one of the items on it was a "whip", not sure if the whole thing was called that though!) It took a while to set up, and even longer to try and get it right. Much longer than the P2. I decided we were getting there faster with the P2 and I should try and push the dolly, zoom out and also move the camera to try and get the speed right (as this was easier than telling the dolly pusher to slow down or speed up). The likelihood of us filming with the Blackmagic was also slim and I feel like it would stand out too much against the P2 footage (we might also potentially use my or the sound op's Canon cameras as it's small and can fit in the car). 

We did a few different takes until we were sick of the sight of the shot. I hope there is something we can use. I also felt looking back at a few clips that it wasn't as dramatic as the director wanted; it's quite subtle and doesn't scream "look there's a clown behind you!" It's up to the director now to watch it all back and make a decision whether to keep it.

I also got a few pretty pictures of the progress of the circus being built (more pics here!)

On the evening/dusk, we did another car test. This was mostly to figure out lighting and try out the slider shot. The director did want the slider to go from black to slide out, but it couldn't reach or zoom in that far, so I would recommend fading in from black instead. The shot itself did look good, but I will need to constantly check focus (or even have a focus puller). We then got a few mirror test shots to try and angle them so you could see people in them, and also a few just so we can edit something together.

Watching the footage back, it might be a good idea if we have Lacey in white light, so for our next test, we are going to use a handheld mirror that lights up. The light on Shaun in the above footage (Sophie) will remain the same, maybe trying with the 2400k led setting rather than the 5600k.

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