Friday 17 February 2017

Festival Research - Tag

Me and the director talked briefly about festivals in today's meeting, so I decided to research into more. 

Grimmfest (

Submissions: March 31st [earlybird deadline, £16], July 7th [regular deadline, £20], August 4th [late deadline, £28]
Location: Manchester
Specifications: Short Films under 30 minutes. Professional formats only (blu ray).
Awards: Not available until April
Festival Date: 5-8th October

Cinefest (

Submissions: Until April 28th, 12 noon. Upload to Vimeo (will this be an issue for other festivals?) No fees.
Location: Middlesbrough
Specifications: You can enter in as many categories as you like. Doesn't seem to be any time limitations.
Awards: Each category has a winner/award. There are many different categories for each job role.
Festival Date: 12th May

FrightFest (

Submissions: July 1st - August 17th (£12 fee)
Location: London
Specifications: Online submission. Under 10 minutes. 
Awards: Can't find any information.
Festival Date: 24-28th August

Encounters Festival (

Submissions: March 31st [earlybird deadline, £20], May 23rd [regular deadline, £25], June 2nd [late deadline, £30]
Location: Bristol
Specifications: Lots of different categories, including a student film one! Also "a good gateway to The Oscars and the BAFTAS". Under 30 minutes. Every/any genre. 
Awards: Lots of different types! Also up to £10,000 in cash prizes.
Festival Date: 19-24th September

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