Tuesday 8 December 2015

Professional Studies - Pecha Kucha

Today I pitched my Professional Studies Report idea using a Pecha Kucha layout (10 slides x 20 seconds each (a traditional one is 20x20 but Mike simplified it as it's just an idea)). 


Turns out you were supposed to put statistics and facts on the presentation (I thought it was just a pitch of your basic idea) but I can easily find some in my actual report. 

I will also upload my basic notes/prompts I used for the presentation below.

Professional Studies Report - Remakes from LokiDoki9

Slide 1- Why remake classic films? Revenue? What is their appeal?
Slide 2- Upcoming remakes. Do they need a remake?
Slide 3- Why remake movies? Changing norms? Technology? Keep up with times.
Slide 4- 'original was better than the remake'. Classics for a reason. Should not be remade.
Slide 5- Not always the case. Some remakes are better. Why?
Slide 6- Could link to TV shows becoming films. Why? Mostly kids. Why?
Slide 7- Briefly link to books becoming films. Why? Books better than the film?
Slide 8- Questionnaires. Easy to complete. Something people are enthusiastic about. Status on Facebook with over 30 comments. 
Slide 9- Personal feelings. Should not remake AWIN!!
Slide 10- Conclusion. Why remake classics? Should it be done? Consensus= no. Good for the industry? Good box office. Will see remake if enjoyed original. Lack of imagination? Will we run out of ideas?

I was told by Mike not to include my personal feelings in a report so I will miss that bit out in the actual report. My timings were also a bit out with the slides (even though I rehearsed it) but it went well and got the thumbs up with the idea.

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