Monday 21 December 2015

Job Roles - DoP

The Director of Photography is responsible for the visual identity or 'look' of the film. They work very close with the director, lighting department and camera crew to achieve this. They manage all aspects of filming, from ordering and hiring equipment to recce checks to reviewing footage. 

DoPs must discover the photographic heart of a screenplay, using a variety of source material including stills photography, painting, other films, etc. They create the desired look using lighting, framing, camera movement, etc. 

After reading the screenplay, DoPs meet with the Director to discuss the visual style of the film. They conduct research and preparation including carrying out technical recces of locations. They prepare a list of all required camera equipment and test special lenses, filters or film stocks, checking that the results fit with the Director's vision for the film. 

On each day of principal photography, DoPs and their camera crews arrive early on set to prepare the equipment. During rehearsals, the Director and DoP block (decide the exact movements of both actors and camera) the shots as the actors walk through their actions, discussing any special camera moves or lighting requirements with the Camera Operator, Gaffer and Grip.

On smaller films, DoPs often also operate the camera during the shoot. At the end of each shooting day, DoPs prepare for the following day's work and check that all special requirements (cranes, Steadicams, remote heads, long or wide lenses, etc.) have been ordered. They also usually view the rushes (raw footage) with the Director. 

During post production, DoPs attend the digital grading of the film, which may involve up to three weeks of intensive work.

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