Friday 4 December 2015

MM&I - The Almost Final Version

This video is my almost final version; I completely forgot to put my narrator in the credits (sorry Jamie) and I need to put the Super 8 in. 

I am also under the timings I need for it: I can be 10 seconds under but no more. I am currently at 2 minutes 25 seconds, so I need to find something to fill it with. The super 8 and the narrator credit might cover some of it. Someone suggested I extend the poem but I like the pace like it is at the moment: any slower and viewers may get bored. Plus I still have no footage to fill it with (plus I have used my 30 seconds of found footage). But I had an idea of putting bloopers at the end of the credits.

I was thinking I could do something like the end of the Supernatural gag reels (skip to 7:50), with all the production stills of the crew and cast. It would also be fab if I could get copyright clearance for the song used (or the other song used would also be great, just as an Easter Egg for the Supernatural fans (the show has also inspired a bit of the film and is my favourite TV show so it would be nice to have a homage)). 

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