Monday 7 December 2015

Digital Production #12 / Good Grief

Today instead of Digital Production (or does this technically count as Digital Production?) me, Andrew and Richard helped out with the Level 5's live production Good Grief. We were all cable basher's (I was cable basher for episode 3) and it was also an experience to see how a live show is broadcast, all the different job roles and what we would be doing next year.

Despite a few technical difficulties, it went well! Thanks again to the Level 5's for putting up with us. All the episodes can be found here:

We then recorded our Super 8 footage from a projector onto a Blackmagic. It was the first time I've seen a Blackmagic camera and they are so purtyyyy. Would love to use one in the future. 

The super 8 is negative so Lee put it on DaVinci (editing software that has more control than Avid (can we use this next year please)). And it was like magic (is that why they call it a blackmagic?) It turned the negative picture into something more colourful!


My last editing day is tomorrow so hopefully the Super 8 will be exported and ready to use so I can fill my 20 seconds! 

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