Saturday 24 September 2016

Four Colour Ghosts - Freak

Tonight a few students helped the graduates film (or be extras) in a music video by a band called Four Colour Ghosts. We were scheduled to leave at 12am so it was going to be a long night. 

A few of the human burritos and a smoke bomb

Jacob became an extra because of the beautiful job me and Chloe did with his beard.

We got set up and waited for dusk and the rest of the actors/freaks/motorbikes to arrive. The pyrotechnics also warmed up (literally). 

Me and Chloe were on the "main camera" (we got promoted as we got loads of pretty shots) and we were on a camera all night. Chloe was my focus puller until we were moving about in the crowd. We got a lot of lovely shots and we make a good team! We were so on fire (heh) we finished two hours before the wrap time. A really enjoyable night's filming! Thanks for the opportunity. 

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