Monday 26 September 2016

Digital Production/Film Making #2

This week's session was some sort of religious motivation experience or something. I don't even know what happened. We learnt about the Johari window and how to develop characters with it. There are four different windows which I will explain below;

  • open - everyone knows this
  • closed - others know but you don't
  • private - you know, but no one else does
  • potential - no one knows, not even you
We then got given a picture of this random bloke on crutches in a corn field and made a story of him. We created a guy called Connor (or CORNer) who steals corn with his fake disability. The lecturer then showed us a video of him and it turns out he is a war veteran which made us feel really bad.

He then did this trippy story about a priest and a person about having tickets to get into heaven which ended in this jigsaw with the person going to hell for asking for a bigger ticket and the priest going to heaven.

We then watched back our adverts for homework. I also learnt to never film on a flat wall, always film on a corner to add definition and interest. This week, we have to make a storyboard with pictures and see if anyone can guess the story without any descriptions. Jack came up with an idea and we arranged to film Sunday morning, but only me and Liam turned up. We didn't have the camera or any props, so we had to call it off. I sent an apologetic email to the lecturer for our group and how circumstances meant we could only hand in plans. The lecturer wasn't happy and neither was I quite frankly.

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