Wednesday 21 September 2016

Digital Production - Introduction

Today the lecturer introduced us to the module handbook for this year. This module is worth 40 credits which means more work (400 hours altogether). We need to make an "as live" show (we say it's "as live" in case there's a technical fault). There's quite a few things we also need to research; the audience, how we would fund it, the production hierarchy and morals and ethics (since it's being broadcast on the internet, we need to be careful of controversy). 

For this module, we need to produce a broadcast (15 minutes or more, or 3 five minute shows) including 20% VT (2nd unit) material- this could be ad breaks, titles, credits. We also need a production diary (the blog) and a 1000 word evaluation. 

Don't forget books! Secondary research is still important. It's worth a look into how the streaming process works, different delivery formats (Facebook Live, Twitch, etc). 

For homework, we needed a few different examples of live videos (see below presentation). I also have some notes to accompany the presentation which I will also upload below.

Count Arthur Strong

  • Broadcast on BBC1
  • I was there so I know it's live! Genuine laugh track
  • Mostly filmed in cafe but some VT material
Starkid - Trail to Oregon
  • YouTube broadcast
  • Pic is just proof it's live. Pay to see.
  • Production's can mess up!
Muse - Live at Rome Olympic Stadium
  • Cinema worldwide release
  • First concert filmed in 4k

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