Monday 19 September 2016

Creative Film Piece - Ideas

Having a quick browse through the possible topics of the Visual Cultures, three stood out as interesting to me: Colour, Semiotics and Gender. I have one strong idea at the moment for the 3-6 minute short we are going to do, but it's basically a rip off of Sin City which is really putting me off making it. I will be utilising accessible ways of filming by using an app I found called Colour Splash (here's a tester image I tried with it) and it worked pretty well.

Basically my idea will be a lot of still images giving the illusion of movement (like a stop motion), with some colours picked out. I was thinking of having a female as the main character. Not quite sure what happens, but I can include her holding a few brightly coloured objects to represent what she is going through. Oh yeah I don't plan on using dialogue, just music. Maybe people can figure out what is going on based on colour alone.

I did some quick research into colours to try and get a basic storyline and possible things she could be holding or is involved with. She could hold a dark blue umbrella to represent depression. Have dull yellow wallpapers to represent illness. She can wipe away bright red lipstick to suggest her romantic interest has gone, or her power has.

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