Friday 9 October 2015

Production Skills #3

This week we looked particularly at cameras. I have some pretty hefty notes for this lecture so bare with me. I'm just going to jot them down as I have in my notebook, in note form, not full sentences. Why? Because...

Canon XL1 
  • M= manual (dial on camera). ON. Shoots in 4x3. 
  • Exposure= amount of light (iris control). Gain standard = +0db. Makes more sensitive to light. Can degrade quality. Shutter speed= 50i, button behind iris control. 1/50= standard shutter speed. F.__ = iris. The higher, the less light goes in and the shallower the depth of field. F5.6-8 standard. Neutral density filter (NDF)= on or off. Sunglasses for camera.
  • Stability function= for handheld camera. Reduces shake but not all of it.
  • AF button- focuses in one push
  • White balance= next to gain button. Light bulb= indoor. Sun= outdoor. Triangle, square, triangle button= fix white balance. Use white sheet of paper to correct.
  • Audio 1, left - mic plug in. 'line' = mixing desks. 'mic' = microphone
  • Canons= no phantom power. Use rode mic. 
  • Gain= increasing sensitivity. Audio and video gain. Background hiss.
  • Zoom. W- wide. T- telephoto. The closer, the more shake. 
  • Eye piece= near and far settings. Don't trust in built monitors. 
  • Use record button on SIDE.
  • Lower the lens, the wider. 25mm= stretches perspective. 50mm = observer. 100mm= tighter crop and foreshortens perspective. 
Panasonic 3CCD

  • Gain= low/med/high
  • White balance= tungsten and daylight settings. AWB button- use white paper.
  • ALWAYS ON MANUAL. Manual iris, next to gain option. Do not want it 'open'. 2.8= safe.
  • More control of NDF filters. 
  • Zebras= exposure range. 85% for white skin. 70% for black skin. 100% overexposed. Striped lines.
  • Shoot in 4x3- aspect conv. option in menu
  • Progressive= filmic but tears and ghosting if movement too fast.
  • Interlace= fast action and can fix tears but can cause artefacts/blur.
  • 50htz refresh rate (double the frame rate)
Phew I think that's it! We then filmed a tech demo of one of the cameras. We got given the Panasonic and we had to talk about setting up the audio and the white balance.

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