Friday 2 October 2015

Production Skills #2

This week we looked at sound and its importance. Sound is often recorded in 'bits'- the higher the bit rate, the softer the edges and the more info and layers. 16 bit is the standard we use. Cinema can offer a 24 bit sound. 

  • Phantom power - power from another device, where power is transmitted through microphone cables to operate microphones that contain active electronic circuitry. The p+48 button on the camera.
No not that kind of Phantom 'power'

Remember, if using phantom power, switch the mic on the camera off to save battery. 

XLR cables are a must. However, they are not always for sound, but can be for lights as well. They have three pins with male and female sides- the male goes into the female.

Always wrap the cable up properly so you are able to throw it in one go and for it to be flush on the floor, for quickness and ease. Do not wrap it too tight or it could damage the cable and be harder to gaffer tape down. Wrap it in nice, flushed circles. 

Watch out for electronic hum! This is the mobile phone feedback you hear in electronic equipment when you get a text message. Always switch phones off, not just on silent. 

The 'pistol grip' goes on the end of a boom pole and holds the microphone. When holding the boom pole, do not tap it and be careful and silent where you step. Be a ninja. 

If the camera/mic has a 'wind dampener' setting, do not use it. Use a muffer instead. The standard mic we use is the directional and omni. Levels should be within '12-9dbs'. Always note that headphone levels are different to what is being recorded. 

When using the Canon cameras, use 'imput 2' if you are using just the one mic. 

Record some 'atmos' at the start of a shoot. This is 30 seconds of conditions just in case the editor needs to cover up anything in the edit. 

When using the 'lapel mic' (the one that clips onto clothing), be careful when shooting a long shot so the sound isn't too loud and looks weird. When using this mic, also watch out for bra creek. Yes, that is a thing.

In the morning we did a 'wildtrack' activity where we had to record 10 different sounds and try to identify what they were. In the afternoon, we did another activity called 'a shot in the dark', were we did this narrative with a conflict using only sound. We used techniques foley artists do and use different objects for a different sound, e.g. our group used a set of keys as jingle bells. We could only use 10 words. We did a short story about Christmas and a young boy discovering his Mam having sex with Santa. HOWEVERRRR we recorded it all and it was great but when we played it back, there was nothing there. We have no idea what happened since we definitely pressed record and did a play. I think I prefer shooting with digital memory cards rather than a tape as FOOTAGE DOESN'T JUST RANDOMLY DISAPPEAR! ... Yeah that was depressing.

Note to self: always use the record button on the side of the Canon cameras, NOT THE TOP ONE! And always film in digital. 

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