Saturday 17 October 2015

24 Hour Film Challenge

Tuesday-Wednesday this week was the time of our 24 hour film challenge. We got given the genre 'Musical'. Luckily, Beth has pretty much a whole musical written out during Dianne's session on Monday. We basically did a musical about a group of film students given a brief to film a musical (inception!). We struggled to find actors at short notice so just used some people from our team and anyone in CCAD we could get our hands on (the cafeteria scene has two lovely illustration students featured- Jess and Hannah. Thanks again guys for putting up with us.) And also a big shout out to Jacob for being a main actor and Mike for dancing. 

I learnt that it is hard to film something in 24 hours but it is doable. We did it in about 5 hours somehow. I think most of the time saved was Beth already having an idea on hand. We have formed a bond and work well as a group and have a great film at the end of it. Yeah we have a few copyrighted songs in it, but it was a last minute idea and since no one can sing, we improvised. 

Finally, after a whole year, I have managed to get it back and upload it!

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