Friday 16 October 2015

Crimson Peak - Review

May have just put my signature of Tom in to show off...

Crimson Peak (Guillermo Del Toro, 2015) - Review *spoilers up ahead*

I have been waiting for this movie to be released for a long time being a fan of both Guillermo and Tom Hiddleston. I had my doubts it wouldn't live up to the hype but I was wrong.

The film is the most beautiful film I have ever seen. Each scene is a masterpiece. The mise-en-scene is really impressive especially the house. The house is pretty much another character. My favourite part had to be the most beautiful and heart-wrenching with Thomas Sharpe's ghost appearing.

What I really found rude when I was watching this at the cinema was these Japanese girls a few rows in front of me on their phones the whole time through the film! I'm not sure if they found it boring (how?!) or they were just plain ignorant, but it really ruined the film for me. Please put your phones away and look at the beautiful Tom Hiddleston shots.

I'm not quite sure what Guillermo has with his eye gore scenes. This film had two really gory scenes. One with Jim Beaver's character and his face being smashed on a sink (Pan's Labyrinth vibes here with that glass bottle scene) and one of Tom Hiddleston's character having a pen stabbed into his eye.

Apart from that, I seriously think the film was marketed wrong.

The trailer makes the film look like a horror film. I think it's more of a gothic romance. The relationship between the characters and the setting are by far more focused upon. (lets not talk about the incest)

A perfect, stunning film. Would not be the same viewing it on DVD at home- a must watch at the cinemas for the whole visual experience. This film has everything- blood, sweat and tears. Something for everyone. Do not be put off by the horror feel of the trailer.


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