Monday 26 October 2015

Digital Production #2

Today we looked at sound and recording it with a Field Memory Recorder and also how to edit using Editshare and Pro Tools.

The Field Memory Recorder is pretty easy to grasp once you have the hang of things. If recording in mono, use the left channel. If switching to mono or stereo, switch the power off and on. The standard recording preferences are 48htz in 16bit. 20 on the level bar is recommended with peaks at 12. 

The pre-record button is a 'safety record' and is typically used for documentaries. The record standby button turns everything on so you can hear.

Always format the CF card before a shoot. Go to Menu-Disk-Format. CF cards are used as they are less likely to break than an SD card and are cheap. 

Always backup work in 3 locations just in case: usually in Editshare, home and another location. 

Always open Editshare before Pro Tools or it confuses the Mac.

If using a blank template on Pro Tools, make sure the audio is .wav format, in 48htz and 16bit (or whatever you recorded in).

It is recommended to rename clips inside the software as you edit. 

Log out of Editshare before logging out of the Mac or it could misbehave for whoever is on the Mac next!

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