Wednesday 28 October 2015

MM&I - The House

One of my shots in my MM&I requires a Gothic house. I have researched many different houses in the North East I could film and it has been harder than I thought! My first best bet was Tunstall House in Hartlepool. 

However, when I researched it further, it looks like it has been demolished!! Such a shame for such a lovely building. I am also wanting a building that has a 'lived in' feel so yeah not ideal!

I then remembered the place I could have moved into for Uni but someone else bought the flat. It is Park Tower also in Hartlepool. 

It has history and is an idea but it is a bit too big and industrial. I want it in the countryside surrounded by forestry. I might use it as a backup idea.

I then found this beauty of a house in Newcastle. It is called The Banqueting House.

You can even stay in it! I absolutely love it. The only possible trouble is asking permission to film and also getting there. Otherwise it is perfect. This is my main favourite! 

I then thought about houses in Sunderland (which I can get to on my bus pass). I found a very strange building called The Elephant Tea Rooms.

I would obviously just film the top of the building and not the bank. It's a very strange building and is an idea. Even though it could be argued that it is not gothic, it has been described as 'Hindu-Gothic'. 

There also seems to be another like it in Sunderland. I'm not quite sure where this picture was took though.

Apparently this one has Gothic gargoyles and niches on the building, but also with Indian elephants. I will definitely have to find out where this is first-hand!

I then remembered Cherry Knowle Asylum in Ryhope. I have been there once but never saw this building! It has been described as the most haunted hospital in the UK.

I have just found out it has been demolished. What a shame.

I also remember this. This is the Sunderland High School.

The only issue with this building is filming there since it is a High School and full of children. 

UPDATE: I have got permission to film here! :D Yay!

I have also found the Sunderland General Post Office.

Again, I'm not quite sure where this is so I will have to try and find it one day. However it looks like good news!

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