Saturday 23 September 2017

First Professional Job

I created a videography and photography page last year. Even though I only have about 20 likes, I got a phone call the other week asking for a wedding photographer. I did warn them I was only a learner, especially in the photography department, and offered expenses only. But he was very kind, liked my work and offered it as a paid position. I am a bit nervous (even though he only wants casual pictures, I still have some pressure to get key moments of the night) and excited as this is my first proper paid position and I hope it goes well! (maybe this can link to "online presence" and Professional Studies!)

I also went to RoyalTeas over the summer and took a few professional pictures and the lady who owns the establishment loved a picture I took of her which now has over 200 likes. I asked for her to tag my professional page but I haven't had any new likes (doh). I'm quite proud of the picture though.

I proof read and edit my friends novels and one is now a pubished paperback! Very exciting stuff. Link for which can be found here: I also manage his social media accounts. I've also applied for a role in Middlesbrough town centre at Christmas time. Sent off my CV so just waiting for a reply now.

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