Monday 18 September 2017

Dissertation Questions

I've left my Dissertation as it is at the moment. It's very brief and basically highlighting what I am going to talk about in each section, I just need a blessing saying to keep going and if I am doing it right (I didn't want to do more in case I was barking up the wrong tree). This post is a list of what I need to cover with my supervisor when we go back to Uni.

  • I have mostly covered the history of the topic in general, but mostly of my case studies and how they relate to context in chapter 1, and how they have changed over time. Chapter 2 is just focused on different theories. This could be wrong, hence why I stopped why I was ahead. Need to check with my supervisor. 
  • I think we would all be beneficial with a lecture focused on how to do a conclusion, as this is mine and many others' weak points. And since the word count is significantly higher this year, we need to see what to include and how.
  • I have been told that the library have examples of student's previous dissertations which I will definately check out in terms of structure (I also need to find out where the new library is as I have books to return, note to self)
  • I have done a survey but I'm struggling where to include it in my dissertation and how. Since I can't use first person pronouns, I can't say "In my survey". I'm also not sure whether to include it in chapter 1, 2 or both!
  • I'm not sure if blogs are getting marked along side the Dissertation but I'm using it anyways to organise my thoughts.
  • I'm not sure how much detail to go into. This links to if I'm doing it right. I've left some points like "(talk about this more)" but I'm not sure when to stop! Have I gone overboard? Can I go over the word count? 

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