Wednesday 4 January 2017

A Monster Calls/Rogue One Review

Today I went to see A Monster Calls and also Rogue One later on (which I sadly can't find the ticket for). 

So first up, me and a friend met up to see A Monster Calls (after persuading her to see it over Assassins Creed, which might have been a mistake). I was quite excited to see it after all the good reviews, however, I was sorely disappointed by it.

I thought the plot was very basic, there was some nice symbolism and the animation was great, but that was the only redeemable feature of the film. The humour was childish and was ultimately more of a kids film (with some dark issues such as suicide). It's a great film to bring mature kids to who are dealing with loss.

I felt like the characters were a bit unrelatable and the story line was bland, basic and boring. The only part I liked was the two second realisation that the boy had smashed up his Grandma's living room. It dragged, and I was expecting a lot more based on how great the trailer looks.

Overall a great film for kids, not so much adults. Very basic.



After feeling like I've just wasted a cinema ticket, I went to go see Rogue One to cheer myself up. Confession, I have never seen a Star Wars film all the way through before. I have been told that you can start with Rogue One then watch in order of 3,4,5,1,2,3,7. So if I enjoy this one, I may binge watch the others.

One selling point for me was Mads Mikkelsen, so I was very pleased when he turned up right at the start of the film (had me hooked). The characters were way better developed than A Monster Calls and was like a breath of fresh air after watching it.

As much as I love Mads, my favourite was K-2SO who was so sassy and the comedic character of the group. Donnie Yen (not even going to attempt spelling the character's name) was also really badass.

Please ignore Chinese subs

The fight scenes use up most of the film, which is as expected. It was very intense from start to end, however, ran a bit too smoothly. Yes, there were a few deaths *no spoilers* but it all went well in the end and solved everything really fast. The best fight sequence was definitely Vader at the end with his big finish. I also really like how it all tied together. 

Overall, a much more enjoyable film. Some humour, some backstory, mostly fights.


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