Sunday 8 January 2017

Unused Sources

I have taken out quite a few books from the library, and found quite a few books online. This blog posts shows which books didn't make the cut and my reasons why. I will update this post as I write my essay and eliminate sources. 

KAPLAN, E. (1998) Women in Film Noir BFI Publishing. London

I got this book out for the chapter "Queers and Women in Film Noir" however, it is too focused on film noir and rarely says about femininity as a whole. When it does, it says more about it's effect on masculinity more.  

MULVEY, L. (2009) Visual and Other Pleasures Second Edition. Palgrave Macmillan. Hampshire.

This book was mostly about patriarchy and it's effects on women. I wanted something that was about feminism and on women alone. Yes, I do need to talk about some patriarchy in the essay, but this book focuses more on the sexuality side and male desire. 

GIBSON, A.E. The Feminism and Visual Culture Reader. Chapter 23 (p192). Colour and difference in abstract painting.

Probably referenced that wrong. I still used the collection I found this chapter in, but I decided not to use this particular chapter. It does sound quite relevant and can also be relevant to film, however, Gibson mostly talks about lack of colour. There's no mention of the different colours, just symbolism of monochrome, which is bleakness (which I could have figured out).

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