Tuesday 24 January 2017

Dissertation Proposals

I showed my course lecturer my main concept idea yesterday of vampire films over the years and why the vampire changed, and it looks like I have the go ahead for it! Yay!

We had our Visual Culture lecturer today who we now have for some Dissertation help and the first thing he said to us about it was, don't panic.


We have a "Dissertation Proposal Form" due in on Friday 26th May, 12:00AM. This is a 500 word synopsis and a 15 source bibliography  about your dissertation idea, objectives and aims and plan of action. We also need to look at who our Supervisor should be (however with one of our lecturers leaving, this needs sorting out, so can't do this yet!) If the Dissertation involves talking to people, you need to fill out a morals and ethics form.


You also need to mention theories and why people should be interested in it. It's basically a short essay, even has footnotes! The way it should be set out is;

  • Background and Rationale 
  • Context [in which issue arises]
  • Who will benefit
  • Research Question
  • Aims
  • Methods [what are you doing over the holidays]
  • Bibliography 

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