Friday 13 January 2017

Wynyard Feedback and Colour Correction

Today, the clients for the Wynyard Hall came in to see our edits so far. I only edited (and quickly colour corrected it this morning) the restaurant one, but it was nice to see the other edits. 

Before and after colour correction!

I gave the lecturer my notebook to make notes so I couldn't make any, but I remembered most of what to do for my edit and on a whole. The corporate events edit needs to have less animals and put them in the garden edit. There's quite a few clips that need moving around, but the lecturer is going to talk to the other editor about it.

I did four different colour corrections on flowers to show the client. Here's a few notes on them so I don't forget what I did to each one;

'Colour correction 1'
Here I boosted the saturation up to the highest for the bright colours, and also did an S shaped curve on the black and whites.
The flowers look very bright, but maybe a bit too dark.

'Colour correction 2'
I have kept the saturation on the highest for the bright colours, but made it a bit lighter.

'Colour correction 3'
I have kept the saturation on the highest but less of an S curve which has made it less 'in your face' and toned down. The purples look a lot better with this one too.

'Colour correction 4'
Purples are the same as in 'colour correction 3' and the reds are the same as in 'colour correction 2', but saturation of reds are toned down. This is my personal favourite.

I have sent clips of all of them to the clients so they can choose their favourites. I will also know then the feel of the adverts and how to colour correct the other clips. I have also sent them the garden's manager interview as requested, and also my edit of the restaurant with adjustments from this morning. I am back in next week to finish colour correcting and exporting the other edits.

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