Tuesday 12 July 2016

Report Ideas

Brainstorming a few ideas for next years Professional Studies report and I have a few ideas (and a few sources for each!) I could explore.

Clearly female cast films are inspirational, so why aren't there many? And even then, why are they reboots?

The 'Sheboot'

This relates to my first Professional Studies report of remakes, but in more detail to a specific type (and fairly new and upcoming!) kind. With the new Ghostbusters out now, the female lead reboot is more popular than ever, with talks of remaking Oceans Eleven with an all female cast. However, are 'sheboots' the way to equality? Surely original female lead screenplays would be the right way to go? 

Reading the module handbook for next year, however, I have just realised, says this;

"...a 2500-word report on a negotiated aspect of professional practice, eg. work experience or a specific career pathway

So the above idea might be ruled out. 

I have a backup idea if that is true, focusing more on a job role.


Female Cinematographers

Fun fact, a female has never been nominated for the Academy Award "Best Cinematography". My report would cover why female cinematographers seem to be non-existent and why they aren't getting as much attention as male cinematographers. This is something I'm personally interested in as I have recently wanted to look into cinematography.
UPDATE 24.01.2017: Looking closer at the brief, I will look at Female Cinematographers because it needs to link to a job role.

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