Monday 25 July 2016

Review: The Killing Joke

This is the first time I've been to a special screening at a cinema: one night only! I was one of the first 5,000 to buy a ticket in the UK so I got a limited edition figure with it!

All dressed up in my Harley leggings and converse, I was so excited and raring to go (despite being exhausted from filming earlier in the day).
I saw quite a few Uni peeps there which was a nice surprise! I still kept to my booked seat because it was the best in the house: right at the back on the stairs so there's leg room.

It was very busy! Busiest I've ever seen it! It felt more like a community as a result: we were all witnessing this. But everyone seemed disinterested in the documentaries before and after the film but I got my money's worth and watched them. It made me enjoy the film more seeing the work behind it too. It was such a shame that over 3/4 left after the film and didn't see the documentary.

The film itself, to be honest, was a bit hit and miss. It was great seeing the animated Batman and Joker voices back again and we're perfect as their characters. The prequel bit at the start was completely a different tone to the other half of the film. I liked it, but it was a bit long winded (everyone clearly was waiting for the Joker to appear).

The film itself was very close to the graphic novel which makes a change to most films. It was just as grim, dark and shocking. But it was also funny in places. Just how a Joker flick should be. My favourite bit being "she thinks she's a table addition".

The ending was a bit disappointing (even though it was how it ended in the graphic novel) and abrupt. No lose ends were tied up and was too happy for something so dark. Was just a bit anticlimactic.

Overall, the film is a bit hit and miss. Some great bits, some not so great. Most of my friends liked it, me included. But could have been so much bigger.


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