Thursday 5 May 2016

Allurement: Magic Extras

Today we were back in the base room as we couldn't get an Avid to finish our SFX of the magic scene. Jamie put a few lens flares in the ones already there to make them look brighter and more solid. 

I wanted them to do a Harry Potter like spell where lightning clashes from their magic. But Jamie said to me that we should not include it due to time limitations, Jamie saying it looked "terrible" and how it doesn't look right as it's not straight on, and he would have to put something in the middle to make it look like they were clashing. I reluctantly agreed to have it cut, which is a shame. If the module was longer, we could have put it in.

However, I came up with an idea that we can still keep the shot but instead of lightning, make the lens flares clash and make a bright light explosion. Jamie tried it out and it looks awesome!

We were done quicker than what we thought we would be! So we quickly exported it on the only machine that would let us (someone else was using it so we nabbed it for literally one minute to do this (we obviously asked permission)). We then helped Jodie out being an extra in a crowd scene for Slaps (I brought a flag in especially for this occasion).

We were hoping someone would be done using their Avid so we could put the magic effects on it, the last remaining foley, fine tune the credits and export it but they were all full up so we called it a day early. We will be in bright and early tomorrow to see if there's any free Avid's in the morning, and we are booked in on the afternoon. Note to self, we also need to extend the forum picture!

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