Friday 6 May 2016

Allurement: FINALE!


We were in early and managed to nab a Avid for us to put the magic scene on, the foley and also fine tune a few things. Two of our actors also came to see the finished product and they loved it. 

Jamie was talking about finishing the film on June's voice mail (scene 20) with the two witches having a picnic due to the bad continuity error of the shawl in the next scene (we have only used close ups and looks a bit weird. We can get away with it and say it's an intimate scene). But I felt like that would have not tied up loose ends, the dialogue in the end is nice and the close ups do look good! I like the pace and the film how it is, and really we shouldn't be taking stuff out now as it's too late and really, we should be putting stuff in like the foley, not taking it out.

Jamie also wanted to put more effects in and make it look nicer, but I like what we have and we just didn't have time. If we had more time, we could have also did re shoots for the blurry shots and also to fix the continuity issues. 

We exported it and it came up with a "serious error" message but we checked the hand in space (there was two which also confused us!!) and it had recorded the audio as L and R, but when I played one back, it came out of both ears on the headphones and worked fine????? I asked Lee to have a look at it, he said it was fine, so I deleted the R one which made the error message pop up.

But I think we did really well and we have a good quality product! It looks great, and the actors love it. I am proud of us.

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