Wednesday 4 May 2016

Allurement: Sound and more Continuity

Me and Jamie stayed until very late (9pm) to 'finish' editing. We still need to fine tune a few things, add some foley and do the magic effects tomorrow (hopefully there will be an edit suite free to we can export our magic and can put it on the avid on friday).

We had to change scene 9 due to continuity issues; we only have two shots and Gartha walks in at different times in each one. So we decided to keep the wide. Continuity is still a huge issue for us and has made our film not as perfect as we wanted it to be, and we are also rushed for time. I am worried the continuity is going to come back to me and effect my grade. I had too much to focus on already on shoot, never mind continuity on top of it: it was the least of my priorities.

I asked Connor during pre-production to make a foley list and also find some spell noises we could use. We have received neither. So I had to find some today for us to edit with. 

Jamie tried looking for a telephone effect for when June is on the phone but Avid didn't seem to have any obvious ones. So I tried Audacity on my laptop and the effect sounds much better.

Connor, our sound op, came at 7pm to give us foley. Very last minute and were only screen grabs. Some were usable but when I went to download them, they required an expensive membership (Connor should have come with backups and looked into this further). We managed to find a few but could not find a crackle build up one when Gartha charges a spell.

I had an idea on the night to do some foley to fill in this missing sound effect. I know we should stick to our job roles, but I had to step in this close to the deadline as we have no sound effect for it and it is major. I probably won't be graded on all this sound work as it is not my job role but it adds to the production value of the film.

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