Tuesday 3 May 2016

Allurement: MAGIC!

Today we didn't have a edit space booked out (even though there was one hardy being used by a level 5 which really annoyed us) so we went downstairs to do the SFX on after effects. We have just learnt that the downstairs version is an older one than the one upstairs so we couldn't edit with it today. 

Even though Jamie had to install all of his effects again due to a dodgy hard drive, he was off like a shot and got a lot done. We have a few new effects and they look pretty awesome! I helped out where I could and learnt how to cut footage on After Effects ("press the d!") I had to leave early, but I trusted Jamie. He worked until late and exported what he had. 

However, the export went weird and came up with bars and was buffering a lot. We will have to try and export again and maybe get Lee to help us out.

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