Friday 27 May 2016

Allurement - Final Version

Me and Jamie fine tuned the past few weeks due to us spotting a few blips watching it back on the big screen (mostly colour correction being too dark but looking fine on the screen???) and also looking at Mike's notes and what we could possibly change. We couldn't change a lot of it as we only had a few shots of each scene and continuity wad a huge issue as the actors walk in and out at different cues, making it impossible to edit around.

I wanted to change a few things, the filters being one, and I also noticed that Jo 'um''s twice when Gartha appears at her house and says "why must we fight?". Jamie has a few more sound fine tunes he wanted to do, such as changing the levels when we felt like we had to turn they sound up when watching it on our phones to hear it.

I have updated the group crit notes with how we changed it in our latest edit or whether we couldn't and the reasons why behind everything. The post can be found here.

Allurement from Sarah Maher on Vimeo.

Allurement - Bloopers from Sarah Maher on Vimeo.

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