Friday 4 August 2017


Scopophilia, Male and Female Gaze - Laura Mulvey

Voyeurism 'pleasure in looking' (aka sex scenes). Women sexualised for male pleasure, also known as "to-be-looked-at-ness". Especially relevant to Hammer Horror films such as The Vampire Lovers (1970) and Countess Dracula (1971). This can also be linked to lesbianism (note to self: look at context at the time). Also have the female gaze with more modern films such as Twilight. Interview With The Vampire has both, also verging on gay culture (link to context!) Can also link to Dyer's theory of Star Appeal (star vehicles and sex appeal, e.g. Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt)

Narrative - Todorov

Can probably touch on this and link it to how people are familiar with this style in context. Equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium. 

Binary Opposites - Claude-Levi Strauss

Good vs evil, humane vs inhumane. Humans vs vampires. Can also link to Vladimir Propp's theory of antagonists vs protagonists serve narrative function.

The Monstrous Feminine - Barbara Creed

Very relevant!! Look at The Male Gaze for good film examples. Context link: in 1920s, flappers became Vamps if they were out of line. People also scared of women taking their jobs from the war, so they turned them into villains.


Stereotypes in the media and views on society. Could also link to Roland Barthes' genre expectations and enigma codes (semiotics).

Uses and Gratifications

Why and how audiences consume media. Identity, Educate, Entertain, Social Interaction, Escapism. Twilight fandom. Could link to Hypodermic Needle theory (audience is passive and media 'injects' ideas. Could also link to hypermasculinity) and maybe Cultivation Theory (repeated exposure to the same value).


Men's identity constantly changing. Unachievable body types; 6 pack, etc. Less action roles in modern day (e.g. the 'dilf'); reflect in modern vampire films? Also link to patriarchy (especially in Dracula). Also link to metrosexuality and the 'New Man' (care for their appearance, although Dracula and vampires always have, it's part of their appeal). 

Hegemony - Antonio Gramsci 

Leadership/dominance especially by one social group. Particularly relevant to The Lost Boys. Link to punk youth (context). Gang culture. Links to Social Identity Theory (Tajfel and Turner: Person's sense of who they are depends on the social groups they are in). Could also link to brovado. Especially links to Dracula and social class (hierarchy sucking the lower class dry?)


We have become hardened to horror and making it harder to be frightened by vampires. Maybe due to desensitisation, they had to completely change the image of the vampire, making it more horrific in a different way (using sexuality). Or just not making them horrific at all (Twilight). The comedy vampire film goes against this theory though.

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