Tuesday 8 August 2017

Dissertation Survey

I made a survey last night to gather more opinions that would be valuable to my dissertation. I wanted to start one sooner rather than later to get varied opinions (and also make physical copies to hand out). I had also reached an impass in my findings so needed a few more opinions to broaden my research.

I spent a good while figuring out the questions last night, wording them just right to fit with my dissertation and its theories. I struggled a bit with the gender one, so I made it optional (people still refused to do it as it only had two genders, even though it says quite clearly it's optional). I also struggled with another so I gave an example (this was an issue as people said "never seen it" but failed to read the rest of the question). 


The survey does have its flaws (one strong minded person asked if I've "ever did any modules on good questionnaires" as my questions won't "give qualitative or measurable answers" which was not my intention at all. I am after opinions, not facts). But most of the respondents enjoyed doing it!
I did not expect my survey to blow up the way it did. In under 24 hours, I have received 158 responses and still counting. It is by far the most successful questionnaire I have ever done. I'm currently reading through each one and making notes. Can't thank everyone enough that has taken the time to complete it. 

UPDATE: Surveymonkey want to charge me as apparently I can only view 100 on my account. I am FURIOUS! I'm hoping if I delete some as I go, I can be able to see most of them. I've also made a Google Form and cancelled the SurveyMonkey one as I am still getting a lot of interest and responses.


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