Friday 25 September 2015

Production Skills #1

On the morning session, we learnt the importance of Health and Safety on set. After being scarred for life by watching various movie accident videos, we filled out a risk assessment of a scenario given to us: a knife fight outside of Church Square.

We then talked briefly about our first assignment: Me, Myself and I. It has to be 3 minutes including titles and the credits and has to be filmed using Super 8- a type of camera with tape inside. We also learnt the 3 buddy system- no one should film alone. At least 3 should be on set at all times. A blog and 1000 word evaluation should also accompany the film. 

On the afternoon, we got given a brief of the idea of being "Trapped". A camera would be set in the middle of the room at a random angle and we were not allowed to move it. We could bring props in and it could be about anything. Our group thought outside the box and went with the idea of being mentally trapped, so we set it in a psychiatrist. A patient would be silently listening to the psychiatrist. Then we would cut to the patient inside their head, looking lost and small, with some breaking of the Fourth Wall by looking into the camera.

There is then a knocking, the patient taken aback asks; "Who's there?". 

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