Thursday 17 September 2015

It's All About Me

Who Am I?
"Just a small town girl. Living in a lonely world."
The name's Sarah Joy Maher. From a small village called Blackhall. I study Creative Film and Moving Image Production at CCAD in Hartlepool. I am obsessed with the supernatural, anything weird and many 'fandoms'. Favourite film is The Lost Boys. Favourite TV series is Supernatural (surprise, surprise). Music is my other passion and I enjoy the link between the two arts. 

My Career Aspirations
"I believe the film industry in the North East is underdeveloped and I would like to help change that."
Ideally I would like to be a director (film or TV, I am not fussed!) but I am happy with any role. Start from the bottom, work my way up!

My Favourite Area of Creativity

"If all the world's a stage, then I want to direct it."
Time for some shameless self promotion. This is the film I am most proud of (at the moment anyway!), which I directed and edited. Directing and editing are my favourite areas of creativity but I am open for anything!

IMPACT from Kids for Kids UK on Vimeo.

My Creative Strengths
"I like to think I am a good leader but I don't want to blow my own trumpet."
Organisation is one of my strengths. I am always super punctual.  I can work well in a team. I was on the school council at secondary school and Head Girl in primary school, so I like to be involved (this is quickly becoming a CV isn't it? Lets stop it here before it does actually become a CV).

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